Category: Functional Medicine

Why we need a new kind of medicine

Why we need a new kind of medicine

Until the second half of the 20th century most diseases were caused by acute problems stemming from infections, acute exposure to toxins or physical injuries.

Today healthcare personnel spend most their time caring for the chronically ill, with diseases that last years or even a lifetime. These diseases occur because our environment is changing faster than our genes can adapt.

80-90% of clinic visits today are for conditions that modern medicine can make a little better with conventional treatment, but with rare exceptions cannot cure.

To prevent these disorders, we need to clean up the environment. But to treat these disorders we need a new kind of medicine:

In this kind of medicine you, the patient, must become an active participant in a team effort to regain or improve your health.

The path is not easy and it may seem like most of the world was against you. It is a major task to stay healthy:

  • You must dedicate time for yourself.
  • You must make time to shop, prepare and eat quality food.
  • You must schedule exercise into your day and sleep well.

If you’re not healthy, your career will mean nothing and your relationships will suffer.

It is time you recognized: The only person who can keep you healthy is you.

This realization is essential for the new kind of medicine to work, as it will be based on identifying the underlying cause of a disease to then develop a very individualized treatment plan focused on diet and life style changes- which can only be implemented by you.

The “one ill-one pill” solution has never worked, even if the pharmaceutical industry wants to brainwash you into believing otherwise – after all, you weren’t born with a Prozac deficiency and that was why you became depressed.

However, I don’t advise to villainize medications in general.

They can be life saving and we should continue to use certain drugs for these life threatening situations as well as for symptom control and to reduce suffering.

In the new kind of medicine you’d be given drugs only as a last resort, to buy time while searching for the underlying and correctable cause.

In the not too distant future genetic testing will be standard, though there will rarely be a cure based on “fixing” specific genetic defects.

Rather the results of these tests will be used to advise you about which specific lifestyle intervention will work best for you personally, i.e.:

  • Which type of exercise you should engage in
  • Which specific diet you should eat (spoiler alert: there is no single diet that is perfect for all humans)
  • Which nutritional supplement you might most benefit from

Epigenetics: Why you should care

Epigenetics, Why you should care

Epigenetics: as a simplified definition, is the study of biological mechanisms that will switch genes on and off. Discovery of epigenetic mechanisms is the reason we now believe your fate, when it comes to health, is more nurture than nature, which means it is in your power to stay or get healthy and you are not, as we were previously taught, a victim of your genetic determinants – about which there was little you could do.

We can’t control all the factors in our environment, but we can take action in some areas with great impact, one of these being the toxic world we all now live in.

Here is an action plan to reduce your personal exposure:

  • As a general rule keep your eyes open and question everything you put in or on your body, store in your home or share in your workspace and neighborhood.
  • Get an air filtration system with both a HEPA and a carbon filter (to filter out VOC’s).
  • Get rid of all scented candles, air fresheners and chemical sanitizers. Remove anything that produces an odor.
  • Get the carpet out and install wood floors without adhesives. Paint with zero VOC products.
  • Use natural laundry products and avoid the toxic fabric softeners and dryer sheets. Go to to learn about safer alternatives.
  • Buy natural furniture without varnish or get used furniture that has already off gassed.
  • Open windows frequently because indoor air is usually worse than outdoor.

Frank Sievert MD on the LDN Radio Show: October 17th, 2018

Frank Sievert MD on the LDN Radio Show 17th October 2018

Hello Friends, I have been prescribing Low Dose Naltrexone in my practice for several years now and was recently interviewed about my experiences by Linda Elsegood, the founder of the LDN research trust and host of the LDN Radio Show.

Below you’ll find links to Vimeo and Mixcloud:

If you don’t want to listen, you can learn more about Low Dose Naltrexone here:

Here is an additional video of interest:

“The LDN Story”: